Proper Cue Stick Fundamentals for Better Form

Proper Cue Stick Fundamentals for Better Form

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Developing a consistent, fundamentally sound stroke is critical for success in any billiards game. While factors like aim, spin, and strategy are crucial, none of that matters if you can't execute accurate, repeatable strokes. Proper cue fundamentals start with the basics of grip, stance, and bridge hand position.

A comfortable, stable grip provides the foundation for your stroke. For a closed grip, keep the back of your hand flat and form a V-shape with your thumb and index finger to loosely grip the cue. An open grip positions the thumb parallel and on top of the shaft. Avoid gripping too tightly which can inhibit a free stroke.


Footwork and body position make up your stance. A solid stance promotes smooth stroke mechanics and power transfer. Place your front foot corresponding to your shooting hand parallel to the shot line, with your other foot behind at about a 30-45 degree angle. Balance your weight evenly, stay grounded with bent knees, keep your head still and eyes focused on the target ball.

Bridge Hand

The Bridge hand forms the anchor point to guide and support the motion of the shooting hand and cue. With an open bridge, place the heel of your hand flat against the table with fingers relaxed and separated to glide between shots. Closed bridge places the thumb against the shaft and fingers wrapped under. Position the hand about 6-12 inches from the cue ball using the overlap, closed or open bridge lengths. Keep the bridge still and directly under the cue.

Stroke and Pause

The shooting motion itself should be one smooth pendulum stroke with the front arm acting as the pivot and power source. The backstroke and forward stroke should be equal lengths. Pause briefly at the halfway point to achieve a fully final stop stroke. Keep your grip hand relaxed and let it glide backwards and forwards with the cue rather than pulling or pushing.

Resting Positions

When away from the table, place the shaft end on the floor and hold the butt with your grip hand about waist high. Before addressing position, hold the cue at waist level or safely across the table bed. Forming good habits with your fundamentals makes them feel natural and creates consistency from one shot to the next.

With sound hand positions, stance, and stroke mechanics, you'll find better billiard ball control, power, and shoot with more accuracy. As the fundamentals become ingrained, you can focus more on tactics rather than physical execution. Establishing a solid pre-shot routine built around these principles forms the backbone of a great billiards player.


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